E123ArmadaleView Map73via Jandakot and Railway
E3ArmadaleView Map66via Tonkin Highway and Champion Drive E3 DaphneS
E3ArmadaleView Map61ia Ferndale and railwlay PeterD
E3ArmadaleView Map72via Ferndale and railway CamB
E123ByfordView Map92via Success and Gosnells - NevilleT
L123CanningtonView Map48via Rossmoyne and Kent St Weir
Cockburn CentralView Map67via Riverton and Murdoch
Cockburn CentralView Map61via Railway and Tonkin H'way and Kwinana F'way
Cockburn CentralView Map73via Jandakot and Aubin Grove and Bibra Lake CamB
L4Curtin UniView Map26via Manning and Como
L1East FremantleView Map49via Nedlands and Bicton
E3ForrestfieldView Map64via Riverton, Roe Highway and Welspool CamB
E4Floreat ForumView Map44via South Perth and City Foreshore
E4FremantleView Map70via Cannington R'way, Roe Highway, Forrest Rd and Cottesloe
E45FremantleView Map57via Subiaco railway and Ardross Foreshore
E123FremantleView Map70via Kwinaan F'way and Cottesloe and UWA
E123FremantleView Map62Around the river via Mosman and Bicton
E3FremantleView Map57via Subiaco and Ardross
E3FremantleView Map53via Nedlands and Bicton
E3FremantleView Map68via Maylands, railway, Bicton Foreshore and Mt Henry Bridge DaphneS
E123FremantleView Map57via Subiaco and Ardross
FremantleView Map71via Claremont and Shelley
E45GosnellsView Map54via Maddington and Riverton
L2GuilfordView Map37via Ascot and Maylands
E4HilarysView Map69via Claremont and Scarborough and Windan Bridge
E3HilarysView Map65via Tonkin H'way, Hepburn Ave and Osborne Park - CamB
E2HilarysView Map76via Tonkin H'way and Gnangara Rd - PeterK
E45JandakotView Map59via Canning Vale and Cannington R'way
E45JandakotView Map57via Sevenoaks Rd, Canning Vale and Kwinana Freeway
E4KalamundaView Map56via Crystal Brook Rd and Zig Zag Rd
L1Keanes PointView Map50via Kings Park and Dalkeith
L1Keanes PointView Map40via Subiaco and Dalkeith
KelmscottView Map60via Tonkin Hway and Railway CamB
L45Kings ParkView Map28via South Perth and East Perth
E123MaddingtonView Map63via Canning Vale and Cannington
L45MandurahView Map150Possible practice ride for Achievement Day
L45MaylandsView Map20via East Perth and Ascot - Long
L45MaylandsView Map19via East Perth and Causeway - Short
MaylandsView Map66via Tonkin Highway and Claremont AndrewS
L23MelvilleView Map47via Kengsington and Mt Pleasant and Willetton
E1Middle SwanView Map77via Kenwick and Bayswater - NevilleT
E5Middle SwanView Map61via Ascot, Guilford and Lord Street
E123MidlandView Map52via Forrestfield and Ascot
E123MidlandView Map66via Forrestfield, Stratton and Belmont
MidlandView Map56via Cannington R'way, Forrestfield and Bayswater R'way
E45MidlandView Map53via Roe Highway and Ascot CamB
E45MidlandView Map60via Forrestfield and Ascot CamB
E3MidlandView Map64via railway, Swan valley and Maylands
E3MidlandView Map64vi Railway, Helena Valley and Maylands Foreshore- DaphneS
E3MidlandView Map70via Holmes Rd and Tonkin Hway bike path SteveN
E2MidlandView Map55via Tonkin Highway and Railway Line CamB
NorthbridgeView Map66via Tonkin Highway and Claremont AndrewS
L3Point WalterView Map42via Applecross Foreshore
L1Point WalterView Map50via Subiaco and Fremantle and Applecross
Point WalterView Map50via Applecross Foreshore and Mt Henry Bridge
L2Riverton ForumView Map46via Rossmoyne and Riverton Bridge
L2Riverton ForumView Map50via Rossmoyne and Kent St Weir
ScarboroughView Map54via Mtchell F'way and West Coast H'way and Karrakatta (from RP)
E4ScarboroughView Map58via Mitchell Freeway and West Coast Highway (from RP)
ScarboroughView Map65via Ardross and Osborne Park
E123ScarboroughView Map67via Lake Monger and Woodlands
ScarboroughView Map75via Attadale and Fremantle and Mitchell F'way
E3ScarboroughView Map70via Bicton and Shenton Park - DaphneS
E4ScarboroughView Map68via West Coast H'way and Lake Monger and UWA
E2ScarboroughView Map68via Tonkin H'way, Reid H'way and Mt Claremont - SteveN
E3ScarboroughView Map70via Bicton and Cottesloe and Subiaco CamB
E2SouthbeachView Map70via Cottesloe and Bibra Lake SteveN
L2SubiacoView Map38via Dalkeith, Challenge Stadium and East Perth
L2SubiacoView Map45via Nedlands Foreshore Challenge Stadium and UWA
L5Tomato LakeView Map21via Rivervale and Clovedale
E5TriggView Map46via Floreat and Herdsman Lake
L4UWAView Map29via Tawarri and Mounts Bay Rd
L23UWAView Map41via Tawarri and Kings Park
E45 L1Whiteman ParkView Map55via South Guilford and Beechboro Rd
E45 L1Whiteman ParkView Map59via Maylands Gof Club and railway. KevD
E45 L1Whiteman ParkView Map54via Guilford and Maylands Railway
L3WillettonView Map45via Rossmoyne and Kensington
E123Woodman PointView Map82via Kwinana F'way and Wattelup Rd - Short
E3Woodman PointView Map74via Bibra Lake and North Lake CamB