Clothing, badges and accessories are ordered through our online shop and are only available to club members.

How to Order a Club Jersey
The Club Merchandise Officer carries stock of all sizes in long and short sleeve jerseys. The Merchandise Officer is available at Wednesday ride meetings for the fitting and supply of jerseys. Current Members
Members requiring a new jersey should place an order online and then approach the Merchandise Officer for fitting and supply. New Members
New members will receive an email instructing them on the fitting and supply of the club jersey. Returns and Refunds
The club has a policy of non-refundable returns of merchandise should you change your mind.

How to order a Club Badge

Current Members
Order through the online shop.
Please ensure that your emergency contacts are current by entering them into the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION box on the CHECK OUT page.

New Members
Your badge is supplied as part of your joining fee.

Click on the button to order (Club members only) >>  Online Shop