CottesloeView Map42via Herdsman Lake and Curtin Ave MichaelDL
EllenbrookView Map67via Tonkin H'way and Dianella - Inaugural ride TrevorK 2019
FremantleView Map75via Hillarys and Bicton
FremantleView Map49via Bicton and Cottesloe
FremantleView Map56via Kwinana F'way, Forest Rd, Railway and Subiaco TrevorK
GuilfordView Map48via Maylands and Bayswater
GuilfordView Map39via Maylands Foreshore and Railway
HilarysView Map65via Tonkin H'way and Mitchell F'way - SamP Jan 2024
JoondalupView Map61via Lake Joondalup and Mitchell F'way GaryT
JoondalupView Map66via Burns Beach and Joondalup and Mitchell F'way CamB
JoondalupView Map72via West Coast Drive and Greenwood GaryT
Kent St WeirView Map60via Kwinana F'way and Cannington Railway LyleB
LandsdaleView Map40via Mitchell F'way and Balcatta
Matilda BayView Map22via West Perth and Shenton Park
Middle SwanView Map67via Maylands Foreshore and Caversham
Mt PleasantView Map40via Windan Bridge and Shenton Park
Riverton BridgeView Map48via Kwinana F'way and Kensington
West SwanView Map57via Maylands and Bayswater
WoodlandsView Map36via Mt Claremont and Herdsman's Lake